Ah, Limoncello.... it tastes amazing. :-)

Well done! You're a true winner, Mark. Always getting back up and back in.

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so does lemon cheesecake!

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Really? I've never had that.

Strangely, the first time I ever had and learned about Limoncello was in Nice. I'd never seen it in Italy.

They had Picco Rosso though. Oh my!!!

This brand: https://a.cl.ly/04uzAQDO

Don't let the cute look fool you.

If you find a bottle, put it in the freezer, drink a SMALL glass cold.


We can get Limoncello here :-) But Picco Rosso is rare. I've only seen it in Italy.

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Headed your way because this thing I'm doing is turning into a mess. 🙄

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My best quote ever, "making lemonade out of lemon."

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