When things go wrong, and they do, frequently!, do you think you could turn it into a €50 million turnover in 2 years?
Probably not, but there is a lesson there for all of us.
I posted this note earlier this week.
The note refers to David Munoz, the Michelin-starred chef who owns the XO restaurants in Spain. The tasting menu costs €450 before you even look at the wine list.
During COVID-19, he had to close down, so he bought a food truck because they were exempt from the lockdown rules and started to serve burgers.
Since then, his food truck brand GoXO has expanded into a €50 million a year business that rivals his restaurant chain.
The lesson is a simple one… When the shit hits the fan… do what you can do and make the most of it.
Disaster after Disaster
In 2008, I lost a $ 450-a-day business… I moaned for a day and then stared over.. I’m still here.
In 2012, My house was caught in a wildfire.. I created a $9.11 offer on all my products, sent an email and made enough in 3 days to replace everything… I’m still here.
In 2021, I had a brain haemorrhage and a stroke… I started over with a reduced workload and… I’m still here.
In 2023, I closed all my businesses and social media accounts, and I’m still here and happier than I’ve been for years… and yes, I’m still here.
Things will go wrong, but the secret is how you deal with it. Rage, moan, and then the next day, knuckle down and start over, doing whatever you can.
If you’ve built it once, you can build it again
Keep It Simple
Take 5 minutes today to draw your business model, If you can’t easily draw it on a single sheet of A4 then it’s too complicated.
We’ve all seen those diagrams that the guru’s produce that looks like the let a group a monkeys loose with a marketer pen.. it’s nonsensical!
If your business is too complicated:
A) You can’t track anything
B) If something isn’t working you can’t identify what the problem is.
This marketing malarky is surprisingly logical:
• If people aren’t reading your content - Fix your headlines
• If people aren’t reading your Call To Action - Fix Your Content
• If people aren’t clicking your call to action - Give them a better reason to click.
• If people aren’t buying your offer - create a better offer!
Here is My business:
Keep This in Mind:
• One Source of traffic
• One source of Engagement
• One Offer.
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Ah, Limoncello.... it tastes amazing. :-)
Well done! You're a true winner, Mark. Always getting back up and back in.
Headed your way because this thing I'm doing is turning into a mess. 🙄