Supercontent: Maximum Reach, Maximum Impact, Maximum Income
Doesn't Your Writing Deserve More Love?
What Is “Supercontent”?
Your content is precious.
Every word you write has the potential ability to change your life.
That next newsletter or note you write could catch the eye of a publisher or a potential partner. It could go viral and open your writing up to potentially thousands of new customers.
It could lead to offers you never thought possible.
If that’s the case, why not start creating Supercontent that gets seen far and wide?
Let’s start by explaining what it’s not.
Supercontent isn’t simply repurposed content; it is more than that, it’s much more.
Supercontent is content that forms the basis of your writing business; not every piece should be supercontent, but it should be a part of your plan.
• Can an article be a book chapter?
• Could it form a lesson in an Online Course?
• Could it be the basis of a Video?
If the answer is yes…
This is Supercontent
Instead of writing an article or a newsletter, ask yourself if it could be supercontent.
During the week, I wrote an article titled “What Is a Content Infotainer?”
I thought to myself, “Is that a good candidate for a piece of supercontent?”
It’s now:
• The Opening Chapter Of A Book
• A Serialised Book/Course for Paid Subscribers
• A Lesson in an upcoming Course
• Part of it is an article on Medium
• It will be a video on YouTube later this week.
Supercontent is designed to bring maximum reach to your content and maximise the income from every word you write.
Supercontent Writes Itself
Okay, I’ll be the first to admit that it doesn’t literally write itself!
You still need to put the words on a page, but for a month or two, you know exactly what to write about.
My first step was to plan out the book and list all the chapters. In the image below, you can see that I have a plan for the book. This gives me a plan for everything else.
Each chapter will be published as a course lesson, and a serialised chapter will be posted here.
Ideas from each will become articles to drive traffic to the newsletter, and some of those ideas will become YouTube videos to broaden the audience's reach.
I put together a short video showing how this content is being used and the process involved:
That Is Supercontent.
Think about how you could take some simple content ideas and turn them into a book, course, serialised newsletter etc.
I created a video and put it into a note showing my complete process:
A Huge Thank You
Thank you to everyone who grabbed a copy of my new book, Engage | Empower | Enrich, during the launch last week. I had almost 300 people download a free copy during the launch.
This was enough to get me the #1 bestselling rank in 3 categories, including Internet Marketing. I’m hugely grateful.
However, (you knew that was coming!) If you did grab a copy, I’d love it if you could take a few minutes to leave a review… I managed to pick up only six 5* reviews from almost 300 downloads, so I’d love a few more!
It would be hugely appreciated.
Catch Up
If you are looking for a simple process that allows you to grow and engage with an audience using a simple content strategy, I recently published a newsletter covering this topic. You can read about it here
Have a great week; watch out for chapter two of Content Infotainer in a few days, and I’ll see you in the notes section!
I;m still learning how to write with a bit of entertainment. Seems contradictory with the topics I write about though.
Any helpful questions I can ask myself to turn this corner? I mainly write about communication, leadership, and power inhuman behavior.
You make it sound like we can all crank this stuff out but realistically we need to work on it, even if it’s just setting it aside for the subconscious to stew over. Every so often one hears the click of pieces fitting together.
Supercontent is not just good stuff, it is presented in an entertaining way. Storyteller tactics make things entertaining, memorable, and inspiring. We read the article, we are drawn in, we emerge fired up ready for action.