Sep 6·edited Sep 6Liked by Mark Thompson

These are 2 really nice ways to come up with content ideas. I know I have used them both many times to help myself. Focusing on your first one for a moment. To take that a step further, sometimes people will email you with questions, or with opinions or takes you disagree with. When that happens, I have taken what they have said and made it a centerpiece which I build my content around. For example, I'd start the content off by saying something like:

"I just received the craziest email today. Here's what they said..."

[then the original email or part of it would go here]

Then I would proceed to dismantle said opinion with my own opinion. The thing about this kind of content, is people usually receive an email like that and proceed to write back to the original sender. However, turning it into content is far more productive.

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Sep 6Liked by Mark Thompson

Great ways

Another interesting way I use that every time I learn something new or find something interesting I commit to create content around it

This might be an article and Notes or an email

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It should be!

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Yup, agreed Matt. And ideas are so fragile too. Sometimes you'll have them at really weird times when you're nowhere near a computer. You could be driving or grocery shopping. I've taken to pulling out my phone and just doing a quick audio recording explaining the idea, so I can use it later. I've come up with some of my best ideas for products, content, emails, whatever, that way.

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That’s it

Catch them as if they were fish!

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Finding content ideas is less about where you look and more about how you approach the search. Any platform can work as inspiration.

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