Massive congratulations, Mark! It’s a shame Medium is where it is at the moment but like you say, things come and go. It’s not all about paid subscribers either. I don’t have any, yet my books are selling. I’ve only been here on Substack a day and already feel how different it is from Medium where my account gets shadow banned just for answering people’s comments. Keep sharing your inspiring journey.

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Thanks Dani, I think you'll like it here!

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I'll definitely call you out if you don't!!

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1600 words of my 350 word target today… plus an idea for a cover.. we’re rolling

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Nice, I can’t wait to hold it in my hands!

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Well done on your first month! I really enjoy Substack too. I like that there seems to be a lot less toxicity than in other places - at least on the newsletters I subscribe to.

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Less toxicity and more inspiration

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Well done :-) Substack is the place to be at the moment.

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it feels like it… there is a great “vibe”

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It's because your content is so good buddy!

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awwwww shucks!

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Aug 28Liked by Mark Thompson

Congrats Mark

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As one of the writers coming from Medium, I can fully relate! It's amazing how you can grow a real audience here. Congrats, Mark!

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Thank you… love your articles!

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Thank you so much!!

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What strategy did you follow to get that initial traction?

Commenting on others posts/notes?

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Commenting, engaging, and restacking sections of my content regularly. I was trying to give more than I got back.

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So glad to hear this.

I really enjoy when you share your wast experience.

I can relate to it, as I often found mysrelf seeing people who started in marketing are lecturing without any shame.

It's ok to share your experience, but when you mix you real-life knowledge into it, that's priceless!

Looking forward to seeing more from you!

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Aug 15Liked by Mark Thompson

Mark, I love what you have done here, and it's fun to see that you are still excited after a month! You and I have a similar time span online, and for it's easy to look back at the "good old days" at ezinearticles . . this feels so much like those days for me, PLUS it has a paid level, which I love.

Thanks for transparently sharing your journey!

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Damn we are old aren't we!

Still tempted to create a better email articles 😎

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Aug 15Liked by Mark Thompson

the beautiful thing about this ecosystem - medium + substack + email --> it all fits together

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Amazing progress. I’m just starting out on Substack too and hoping to keep at it.

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Hey Mark, this was an interesting post to read. Question: What made you grow tired of Medium? Personally, I left medium (with 1.8k followers there) because I felt like too many radical left ideas and man hating radical feminists and too much white hating rehetoric was being shoved down my throat. Don't know if the algorithm was broke or what, but I felt like it was a very one-sided place and I was on the wrong side. So I left, even though I was cultivating a small audience there.

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I haven’t left, got about 6000 followers, on there and use it along with Substack

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That is interesting and insightful. However, I asked what made you grow tired of Medium. Not what made you leave. In your post you mentioned you had gotten bored of Medium. I wondered why you got bored of just "pumping out content" on Medium. What is the difference between Medium and Substack as far as pumping out content?

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I am not tired of Medium , I have not left medium.

I wanted to add something that would be more challenging and Substack was a good choice for me as the people here are generally more engaged in the writing process.

This means that content here has to be good and insightful. Not always the same on Medium

I write daily content in medium and a weekly newsletter here

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Aug 27·edited Aug 27

Again, I never said or implied you left Medium. Thanks for clearing up the other though. Great insights. Good luck on your journey.

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