Absolutely - Can you imagine doing the same work for 50 years?

In bite-sized chunks, here's how I see it:

A job is how you make money.

A career is how you make your mark.

A calling is how you acknowledge a higher vision, whatever it may be.

I was fortunate enough to realize my higher vision 50+ years ago. It comes with 4 legs, a mane, and sometimes a sense of humor.

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I can’t say it better. That’s what I do: analyse, adapt, test, repeat. It’s a constant learning and applying. Thank you, Mark!

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I’ve been doing that for 20 years… and it always works.

Find what works, adapt, and work out an angle that will work for you. Then, implement, test, and improve.

Sure as hell beats making mistake after mistake as you try to work it out for yourself.

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I was just thinking the other day how I would trust someone who has a 100 IQ with 20 years of experience in a field more than someone with a 160 IQ with 2 years.

There’s something about experience that runs deeper than raw intelligence.

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