What would you choose if money wasn’t a factor and you had a choice?
•Another course from your favourite guru
• A few hours sitting with him and picking his brains?
I am sure that most of you would pick the latter because it’s rare for a course to give you everything you need, but access to the source will allow you to convert every possible angle and get all your questions answered.
So, why would your audience be any different if you chose access over a course?
You Are Your Business’s Greatest Asset
The real value in your business lies in you—not just the information you provide. Your unique insights, experiences, and expertise are what set you apart from others.
No one has had the same journey and insights as you, and that is valuable. Those mistakes you made and later rectified, those failures that almost made you give up, that’s the real value, and if you choose to share them with your audience, they can drive your business forward.
Shift from Information to Exclusive Access
Anyone can access the information they need on YouTube. General information is freely available everywhere, but your personalized perspectives and tailored insights aren’t.
People can read and watch how-to videos all day long, but they will never show them how to IMPLEMENT what they teach.
That is where you come in.
People are happy to pay for clarity, confidence, and shortcuts from someone they trust, make that you.
Give away all the " how-to” information for free, use it to attract your audience, and then create an offer that helps them IMPLEMENT what you’ve taught them.
Crafting Your Unique Selling Proposition (USP)
Everyone reading this has different experiences to draw upon; I started 20 years ago by working 14-16 hours creating content each day, and a year later, I still wasn’t earning more than $10 a day. I should have given up.
At that point, I was living on beans on toast.
Two months later, I was earning $200-$400 a day and eating in restaurants three times a week.
The lessons I learned then are still relevant today. Just this week, I taught the members of the Growth Hub (included for VIP Tier Subscribers) how important it was to check your budgeting and create a viable income goal, a lesson I learned during the hard times.
You are unique, so find your UNIQUE Selling Point
• Identify your strengths and what sets you apart.
• Share your story and “why” to build authenticity and trust.
• Make your USP clear so people see the value of your expertise over free information.
Developing Your Signature Offer
The content you create will give you many clues about what people want. If you use Medium, people will highlight what resonates with them; if you write a blog, people will comment. If you post on social media, people will comment and ask questions.
Below is one of the highlighted paragraphs from a Medium article… I wonder where I could use that? (if you missed it, it’s the last bullet point before this section!)
When it comes to content and offers, I often say, “Let the people decide.” By that, I simply mean using what has already resonated.
All my successful notes here were originally thoughts and paragraphs in my articles.
• Design an offer that leverages your expertise (e.g., a community, coaching, consulting, VIP sessions).
• Focus on what people consistently ask for help with.
• Structure your offer to maximize your time, like tiered access with group sessions and one-on-one options.
The Power of Personal Branding
I’ve discussed personal branding in previous newsletters, but if you are going to help people implement what you teach, they need to trust you, and the best way to do that is by being yourself.
Your job is to help people to transform, and you won’t do that by just putting out information. Be honest with people show them your successes and failures, show them your life. Let them see what you can bring to the table.
I don’t think anyone who reads my content thinks for a moment that following my advice will bring them a “Yacht and Lambo” lifestyle, but hopefully, they appreciate it will give them a good lifestyle and a simple business that allows them the freedom
to do what they want.
• Successful entrepreneurs offer transformation, not just information.
• Build your brand by providing value, helping with implementation, and creating signature offers.
• Your personal brand is central to your business’s success.
There is nothing more powerful than your story. You might even think you don’t have a story worthy of sharing, but everyone has. Your expertise combined with your story is what makes you unique and genuine—it’s your superpower.
• Share your expertise and story as a model for others.
• Help people implement what you’ve taught them.
• Focus on the transformative nature of your training.
One More Thing
Having read all of that, you’ll want to know how I can help you implement it (see what I did there? Who said this game is difficult!) It’s simple: I have ONE offer (another lesson right there!)
Sign Up as a VIP subscriber, and you’ll get access to everything I have: Communities, Courses, Training, Books, etc (literally everything.)
Alternatively, you can check out the All Access Pass, which will gives you exactly the same access to everything (access is just more automated)
With both, you’ll get access to the Growth Hub, where I will work with you to build your content business in 2025.
Let people see your failures. Awesome!
Question: when you say “I’m “ my ups, what exactly do you mean , just sell my stories?